September 11th......
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and its Influence in Modern History

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Devastation and Fear quickly spread around the world as the news of September 11th's terrorist attacked was broadcasted on just about every news station.  Shock, disbelief and panic all were feelings that people experienced after they had heard about all the missing people and those who were found dead or in fatal condition under the many layers of steel and stone.  Everybody knew that this event and its date would never be forgotten and would influence modern history forever.

How would this affect Modern History?  People have learned to be more aware of their surroundings and more careful as they change the ways they live, fearing another terrorist attack.  Also security has advanced, especially in our ways of transportation, specifically planes and airport security.  The US economy was also damaged from the events that took place on September 11th and also has affected modern history today.

Smoke rising from crash of Twin Towers
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To learn more about affects of modern history and information click on the links above. Enjoy!!!